Thursday, 15 November 2007

Super Cool!

Hi! This is Alice,

Becky was ill today, hope shes ok? Well anyway (this is mostly for becky) today we were having an Art lesson and we had to glue on spots. I put two spots by my eyes and it looked so funny! Well anyway, then I made Gabby a super hero mask by gluing two circles together, then I used some bendy wire so it would stay on (she bended it round her nose) and stuck it on. Gabby put it on and we started messing around. Well nearly all of the boys copyed my idea. Gabbys mask looked rubbish so I made a new one which is a dark blue, has large and better eye wholes, has a G for Gabby on it, and the bendy wire goes round her head, so it stays on better. Sam said to Gabby that there would be a war tomorrow and to pick a sidekick (dont know how to spell it, but its the same as a compian) and she picked me. So we made a mask, mines a lot like heres but has spots on it and instead of a G we have an A, + I didn't need to have string or wire, cos I slip the mask under my glasses, it looks so cool and funny! so it's Gabby and me (Alice) Vs Sam and Rhys. Gabby and me will deffeletly win! Hope Beckys well soon!

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